Monday, August 27, 2012

Todays Sketch

Working through the flaws!

As I try and set up this blog so it makes sense, at least to me, I realize the people who do this all the time are brainiacks! (Designer word)  I'm pretty good with computers, but sometimes I just get enough!  This is one of those times.  I feel completely inept.  I've been sitting here at the computer for a couple of hours, & my progress is slight to nil!

I will keep going because I can't stand to be beaten by a computer!   I will win this game, sometime...

This is the beginning of the beginning!

Today I'm putting together a new blog, ART FROM THE HEART!  This blog is a creation out of a selfish act of forceful intentions....  By this I mean, I am forcing myself to do at least one art project a day.  One little project that may take 15 minutes, or it may take all day.  It doesn't really matter because the object is to push myself to draw, sketch, paint, construct, or do something creative each day.  

So, I'm challenging all of you to follow along with me, and challenge yourself as well!  We may not have time on any given day to put our energy onto a painting,or a large project,  but maybe a simple quick sketch is all that can be managed.  I know from experience that art, in any form, lifts my spirit, and makes my day flow so much more smoothly.  If I can accomplish even one small project; sketching a feather, a leaf, or flower from my morning walk, I feel like I haven't let the creative child inside me down!

My intention is to post a challenge each morning during the week, and when I'm finished I'll post it for everyone to see. On the weekends, I won't post a challenge, but if you can manage to create by all means post what you've accomplished. 

 Sometimes it may be a running project, I have several that are presently trying desperately to get me to listen to them so they can be finished!  We can all learn from each other, we can share ideas, energy, and inspiration.  We need this from fellow artists to grow and thrive, so I invite you to join me in this small project, and together it may grow to be an inspiration to many.   

Whatever your creative outlet is, it would be wonderful to see it posted here, or on Facebook.  Have a great time thinking of the medium of choice, September 1st is the date for the first challenge.  See you then...  Karen